Generator Service

Dedicated to Keeping Your Generators at Maximum Performance

Your portable or standby home generator  is really just a free-standing motor. Like any motor, generators perform better with regularly scheduled preventive maintenance. At Hannah Solar, our preventative maintenance service plan will protect your generator from breakdowns and costly repairs. As a certified service center, we use only manufacturer approved parts and our generator technicians are trained, experienced, and highly professional. Additionally, signing up with our preventative maintenance plan is relatively cheaper than constantly calling for one-time generator services, providing you with more savings of your hard-earned money.

Subscribe to one of the plans below to begin your service agreement

Service Rates

􀂙 Our service rates based on the  size of your generator, and if the service is performed during normal business hours, after hours, weekends, or holidays.

·       $125 trip charge

·       $50 mileage fee if >60 miles from Atlanta


Non-PMA Service Call Rates Based on Size and Hours


M-F business hours – $135 (1 hr min) + $125 = $260 min

After Hours – $195 (2 hr min) + $125 = $515 min

Holidays – $195 (4 hr min) + $125 = $905 min


22-36 kw Liquid-Cooled:

M-F business hours – $145 (1 hr min) + $125 = $270 min

After Hours – $200 (2 hr min) + $125 = $525 min

Holidays – $200 (4 hr min) + $125 = $925 min


38-48 kw Liquid-Cooled:

M-F business hours – $155 (1 hr min) + $125 = $280 min

After Hours – $215 (2 hr min) + $125 = $555 min

Holidays – $215 (4 hr min) + $125 = $985 min


50 kw and larger Liquid-Cooled:

M-F business hours – $165 (1 hr min) + $125 = $290 min

After Hours – $225 (2 hr min) + $125 = $575 min


Holidays – $225 (4 hr min) + $125 = $1,025 min 

􀂙 As a PMA customer (preventative maintenance agreement customer), you will not be charged a trip fee ($125) on service calls; however, if you live more than 60 miles from Atlanta you will be charged a mileage fee of $50

􀂙 As a PMA customer, you will receive 15% off standard labor and materials outside of the maintenance plan.

􀂙 If the generator problem can be resolved over the phone you will not be charged.

Get started with solar today.

Now is the best time to invest in solar based on the technology, low cost, and available incentives. The benefits of using solar power will continue as long as you use electricity to power homes and buildings.

Get Started